How important is spirituality?

How important is spirituality in your life?

Spirituality for me is vital, I know some of you may not believe how I believe for that I say do what’s best for you, in my opinion there’s only one God this is how I choose to answer this question so drop your rocks this is my partake because of my experience I believe in only one God 🙏 he has many names according to biblical and historical records so I’ll be precise and say it’s Jehovah, Yahwei , Elohim I believe He is Spirit and has never been seen by the eyes of man because that’s what the Bible says, I believe he manifested himself in the flesh as the man Jesus Christ, I believe he lives within us as the Holy Spirit because Bible says Be ye Holy for I am Holy, and it also states that God is Spirit making him a Holy Spirit, now that I have shared what the source of my spirituality is, for me it’s important to walk in the guidance of God 🙏 because without your spiritual source there’s no spirituality, I have a few people that I seek spiritual guidance and counsel from both Bishop Nathaniel Bond and Bishop Carlos Shutes I also get counsel from my Dad Elder Percy Johnson Sr it’s not meant for us to know everything that’s why it’s written for us to be helpers of one another, this is my take on spirituality.Blessings

Action by Thought

Bible Study-Commentary-Questions-Comments/Prayer Request

Kathryn Breckenridge, author

aka Kathryn Hughes. Author of Devotionals, Gardening Articles, and Historical Fiction


Loving Jesus, Encouraging Believers

Jesus Unboxed

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. —John 10:10

Faith + Gratitude = Peace + Hope

When I was young, my dad would always say, "Crystal, you can choose your attitude." One day I chose to believe him.

God In All Things

An Ignatian Life

To God be The glory, Amen

Jesus IS Lord, Amen

Blogger Jerry Shutes

informing and educating the masses.

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Affirmations Of God

Explore the richness of God's Word and uncover the treasures of hope, promise and purpose that it holds. Allow yourself to be called to live from your true identity, the person you were created to be. Embrace the transformative power of the Word and live a life filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.


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Past Daily: A Sound Archive of News, History, Music

"Because ignorance of your culture is considered uncool"

Gabby Cacho

Daily Thoughts of the Usual Frustrated Writer


Charting The Voices And Achievements Of ALL Asian Australians Everywhere!

Black and White Women

portraits of female icons

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Action by Thought

Bible Study-Commentary-Questions-Comments/Prayer Request

Kathryn Breckenridge, author

aka Kathryn Hughes. Author of Devotionals, Gardening Articles, and Historical Fiction


Loving Jesus, Encouraging Believers

Jesus Unboxed

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. —John 10:10

Faith + Gratitude = Peace + Hope

When I was young, my dad would always say, "Crystal, you can choose your attitude." One day I chose to believe him.

God In All Things

An Ignatian Life

To God be The glory, Amen

Jesus IS Lord, Amen

Blogger Jerry Shutes

informing and educating the masses.

God's group

Learn from God's inerrant Word, the Bible

Affirmations Of God

Explore the richness of God's Word and uncover the treasures of hope, promise and purpose that it holds. Allow yourself to be called to live from your true identity, the person you were created to be. Embrace the transformative power of the Word and live a life filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.


Let's make relationships pleasant!

Past Daily: A Sound Archive of News, History, Music

"Because ignorance of your culture is considered uncool"

Gabby Cacho

Daily Thoughts of the Usual Frustrated Writer


Charting The Voices And Achievements Of ALL Asian Australians Everywhere!

Black and White Women

portraits of female icons

Hello I'm 50ish

Live Your Best Life Now!


Because you have all the right to be informed..