Arrogance vs Blessings in the Church.

This probably won’t be a popular blog post among churches but it was given to me and I must share, we’re living in a time now where faith and trust in the church is fading, I can assure you this is not the teachings of Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith, we have clergymen who proudly stand in the pulpit and talk about their possessions all the while if a parishoner who post about your possessions on social media you’re ending up in the sermon for the day as a idolatrist because you are putting worldly things before God but they do it time and time again, there’s nothing wrong with ministers having a blessed life it is written in the scriptures that above all things I wish that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers I don’t think that God intended for you to live in a decaying shack, drive a rundown vehicle, wearing rags for clothes and your children have no food while your pastor lives in a extravagant mansion with 4to 5 vehicles and his family and children eating 🥩 steaks and dining in lavished restaurants God’s blessings is not limited to just only the clergymen he rains on the just and the unjust, question ❓ what if Jesus who we’re at supposed to be like because Apostle Paul said let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus, so with that said what if Jesus was arrogant like some of the clergymen of to day what if he dressed to match the donkey 🫏 he rode in Jerusalem, what if he said I own the planet you stand on I don’t have to save you I can just let you die and go to hell , I’m sure someone will try to justify this behavior with scriptures but you cannot, you can’t think it’s a blessing to talk about what you have worked for and obtain and at same time you tell fellow parishioners they are idol worshipipping for doing the same thing, study the Bible for yourself I understand that we’re all human and none of us are perfect we can’t keep using the touch not my anointed to cover your arrogance because the anointing is not exclusive to clergymen only this is why some leave the church it’s not that they don’t want to  hear the word it’s because we have two different standards when it comes to others it is written that we’re one body if the preacher is blessed Glory to God 🙏 if the parishoner Is blessed let that same glory be bestowed upon him Envy shouldn’t be practiced in the church and neither should the seeds of enyness be sowed for it is written My house shall be called a house of prayer 🙏, not a wishlist or a stage for bragging about your possessions, blessings.

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Kathryn Breckenridge, author

aka Kathryn Hughes. Author of Devotionals, Gardening Articles, and Historical Fiction


Loving Jesus, Encouraging Believers

Jesus Unboxed

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. —John 10:10

Faith + Gratitude = Peace + Hope

When I was young, my dad would always say, "Crystal, you can choose your attitude." One day I chose to believe him.

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Action by Thought

Bible Study-Commentary-Questions-Comments/Prayer Request

Kathryn Breckenridge, author

aka Kathryn Hughes. Author of Devotionals, Gardening Articles, and Historical Fiction


Loving Jesus, Encouraging Believers

Jesus Unboxed

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. —John 10:10

Faith + Gratitude = Peace + Hope

When I was young, my dad would always say, "Crystal, you can choose your attitude." One day I chose to believe him.

God In All Things

An Ignatian Life

To God be The glory, Amen

Jesus IS Lord, Amen

Blogger Jerry Shutes

informing and educating the masses.

God's group

Learn from God's inerrant Word, the Bible

Affirmations Of God

Explore the richness of God's Word and uncover the treasures of hope, promise and purpose that it holds. Allow yourself to be called to live from your true identity, the person you were created to be. Embrace the transformative power of the Word and live a life filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.


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Past Daily: A Sound Archive of News, History, Music

"Because ignorance of your culture is considered uncool"

Gabby Cacho

Daily Thoughts of the Usual Frustrated Writer


Charting The Voices And Achievements Of ALL Asian Australians Everywhere!

Black and White Women

portraits of female icons

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